May blossom (Hawthorn) is in bloom from the beginning of May. It’s important you pick the young, freshly bloomed flowers as the older blossom takes on an unpleasantly strong scent.


Apple May blossom sorbet

400g caster sugar

400ml water

1 1/2 tbsp lime juice

50g May blossom flowers

450g apples (peeled and chopped)

drop of pink food colour (optional)

  1. Pick 3 to 5 young heads of May blossom. Do not wash as the petals are too delicate but lightly shake to remove any bugs.

  2. Into a pan add the sugar and water, stir together and then bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and let simmer for around 5 minutes then remove from the heat completely.

  3. Pick around 50g of young green stems from the branch and add to the sugar syrup along with the lime juice and then leave the syrup to cool completely.

  4. add the chopped apple to a food processor and blitz until as smooth as possible. Strain through muslin or a fine mesh sieve to remove any bits. Add the strained liquid to the sugar syrup and stir.

  5. Add mixture to an ice cream maker or place straight into the freezable container. If placing straight into freezer you’ll need to mix up with a fork or whisk to break up ice crystals every hour for the first 4 hours of freezing.

Will store in the freezer for up to a month.